samueljordan23 17th November 2011

my thought today is that time is passing and in passing as quickly as it seems to be, it serves in some small way to help heal what was broken inside since we lost you. The time passes and some memories become hazy, some become lost but time ensures that all my memories of my mother remain as vivid, constant, funny and wonderful as they ever were. It invokes in me many emotions, some of guilt for maybe not appreciating how special a mother is, indeed how special mine was and only realising as such when you no longer have them. However many emotions I have today, the primary one is of love. She gave me life and her love, she made me the person I am, taught me values, gave me ambition and ultimately gave me all that she could to ensure my happiness emotional security. I am forever indebted to her for all that she gave, and for now the only repayment I can make is to know she sees me everyday and ensure I do all that I can to make her proud. With my indefatigable love now and always. Sam